Taylor Baptist Association


Taylor Baptist Association is an association of 18 Southern Baptist Churches in Taylor County, Florida.
Our purpose is to equip and assist our member churches to accomplish their ministries.

Associational Missions Strategist - Dr. Henry Cannington Jr.

Administrative Assistant - Hannah Carter

Office Hours - Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Taylor Baptist Association holds to the beliefs set forth by the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. On June 14th, 2000, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a revised summary of our faith.

To view the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, click here to see it on the Southern Baptist Convention's web page.



  • Newsletter
    The current Newsletter is available for download. Click here to receive it.
  • Midway Baptist Revival April 28th - May 1st
    Revival April 28 thru May 1st - 6 p.m. nightly - Rev. Austin DeLoach
  • National Day of PrayerMay 2nd
  • Ladies TeaMay 4th
    New Home's annual Ladies' Tea will be Saturday May 4, 2024 at 10:00 am. Guest speaker, Megan Hall, from a crisis pregnancy center along with a representative, Melissa King, from One More Child.
  • Midway Baptist Homecoming May 5th
    Midway Baptisat Homecoming will be Sunday, May 5th
    Ben Reams will be preaching
    The Cavaliers will be singing. 10:45 a.m.
  • Administrative CommitteeMay 6th
    Administrative Committee, 9:00am
  • Mother's DayMay 12th
    Mother's Day and the Children's Home Offering
  • Disaster Relief TrainingMay 18th
    Disaster Relief Training, First Baptist Havana, Havana, FL
  • Executive BoardMay 20th
    Executive Board, 9:00am
  • Memorial DayMay 27th
    Office Closed
  • Message from Henry Cannington
           Have you ever been at the wrong place at the wrong time? Or at least you felt that way-like you were really out of place? You know, you show up in shorts with a ball glove, thinking it's a picnic at the park. But everyone else is dressed up for a "jazz age lawn party."
           Or just after you share your story of eating so many ribs at the Smok'n Pig BBQ in Valdosta, everyone in the group starts talking about their strict vegan diet. You suddenly realize, sometimes it's just hard to relate.
           Fortunately these uncomfortable situations generally last only for a few hours. Then we get back to a place where we feel more at home. I believe it's time for us to get back to the right place at the right time!
           Make plans now to be with our fellowship of churches at the Taylor Baptist Association Semiannual Meeting at Midway Baptist Church on Monday evening April 15th starting at 6 pm. Our guest speaker, Pastor Robert Dawson, promises to encourage and challenge our pastors and churches in "Sharing God's Word to Reach Generation Z." I believe now is the right time and Taylor county is the right place for us to make an all-out commitment to reach Gen Z!
           It seems to me that much of the criticism aimed at Generation Z is due to a lack of understanding of the world they live in. Teenagers today have adapted to a fast paced, competitive and often frightening world. They are bombarded with media, opinions, information and possibilities. But what excites me so much is what I see happening on our college campuses, high schools, and youth groups as students are seeking to experience God.
           Robert Dawson, the Pastor of First Baptist in Lake Park, Georgia, connects past generations with Gen Zers knowing we must reach them with the gospel if we are to fulfill the great commission. Robert writes for preaching.com and he has over 1,000 sermons on searmonsearch.com and Lifeway. He is a graduate of Florida Baptist Theological College and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
           Gen Zers remind me of my generation that experienced the Jesus Revolution of the early 70s. God can do it again! We must make an all-out commitment to disciple generation Z. I rejoice in what God is doing in our churches. Understand this, gen Z is hungry for the very things Jesus provides through His presence and people: belonging, humble leadership, peace, true friendship, and intergenerational mentoring.
           Come join us at Midway Baptist Church for our TBA semiannual meeting. Now is the Right Time and MBC is the Right Place.
                 Henry Cannington

  • Missions
  • Florida Baptist Convention News
    To get the news from the Florida Baptist Convention, click here.


P.O. Box 602
Perry, Fl 32348
Phone: 850-584-8025
Email: taylorbaptist@fairpoint.net